1. What does memory agency look like?

    Can the act of forgetting become a work of art?

    Can the failure to remember become a source of power?

  2. What are the perceptual effects of trying to remember being born?

    What are the effects of seeing a moving image archive of the self from a time you can’t recall?

    How does consent play into this?

    Can the universal trauma of being born relate to other traumas that alter the memory-making system of the victim?


  1. Gesture

    Memory tracing, mapping, layering, collaging, blurring, following, distorting, visualizing, abstracting

  2. Space

    Image space (square - painting or video - 4:3, 16:9), uterine space, amorphous in-between space of clarity and confusion

  3. Shape

  4. Composition

    - Medieval vs Modern

    • Collage

  5. Medium

  6. Movements

  7. Scripts
    Illustrating scripts

Future Experimentation:

7. Sound

8. Sculpture

9. Projection


  1. Green as Natural Environment vs Green as Manipulated Environment

  2. Memory Construction vs Memory Manipulation

  3. Childhood Consent


  1. Memory Distortion via Sexual Abuse

  2. Memory Manipulation via Psychological Abuse

  3. Memory Manipulation in a Court of Law

  4. Memory Manipulation in Elderly Communities