YCNAN ROF (FOR NANCY) is an installation that investigates the present power of instant feedback, by experimenting with the reflective aspects of both video and mirror displays.
Reflections and refractions intersect in the space to create an immersive “visual echo”, as described by Nancy Holt in the famed video art piece Boomerang.
While Boomerang refers to being surrounded by one’s own voice, YCNAN ROF surrounds its audience with an oversaturated visual display of one’s own image in a response to the circulating mythology around the Narcissistic Millennial.
A space is created for this reflexivity to not be necessarily understood, but explored.
The highly self-centralized environment invites the viewer to question the perceptual effects of the recent rise in “selfie” culture, and whether this affordability offered by technology to constantly see oneself is indicative of a future defined by egomaniacs. The title of the work (FOR NANCY written backwards) is an homage to Holt that commemorates the one-year anniversary of her death.
"...like a mirror-reflection... so that I am surrounded by me…and my mind surrounds me...there is no escape…"
Bakehouse Art Complex / Miami Beach, Florida . 2015